My Investment Philosophy

Determine goals & objectives of my clients & implement strategies to meet them.

I understand the importance of time in the investment process.  Proper investing is a long term proposition, not a sprint.

There is a need to assess the proper risk tolerance.  Even conservative investors require some level of risk to achieve their goals.  Almost nothing comes from nothing; most rewards require taking risk.

Portfolios need the proper allocations to achieve the returns desired by my clients.  Allocations must take into consideration time, liquidity needs, expertise and experience, resources, tax considerations and overall investment objectives.

Growth of assets in retirement is as important as growth in income to maintain my client’s standard of living.  Nothing hurts worse than the loss of purchasing power.

Emotion is an equal partner with rationality; neither should be sacrificed for the other.  In other words, I listen to what the market is telling me, not what we want it to say.

High risk investments can have a place in a portfolio, but their inclusion should be based upon sound advice and proper allocation, and their returns should be based on conservative assumptions. 

Tax implications are clearly a factor in any investment decision and are certainly an important one, but investment decisions should be driven by economic considerations.  Paying taxes on gains is always preferable to adjusting to losses.

Different alternatives should be considered in evaluating portfolio designs.  There is often more than one way to find solutions to a need.

Successful Portfolio construction is done in consultation with other professional legal, accounting and business advisors to create the optimal strategies for client objectives.

When a strategy is implemented, it must be reviewed and evaluated to see that it meets the needs and objectives of the client and is in step with the markets and economic conditions.  Investing, is a fluid process.

I will review my client’s portfolios as to the suitability of their investments and will make suggested changes when goals are met or when conditions merit.

For quality service you deserve, call me today.  

Scott Etzel, CRPC
